Ms. Christina Wong and Mr. Luke Wong were selected as the Hong Kong delegates to attend the 10th Wataboshi Music Festival

  • 2009 / 8 / 31 - 9 / 4

The Hong Kong delegates audition of the 10th Wataboshi Music Festival was held successfully on 12th June. After the scrupulous selection process, Ms. Christina Wong and Mr. Luke Wong were selected as Hong Kong delegates to attend the Music Festival held from 31st August to 4th September in Suwon, Korea.


Christina sang the song “Soundless Prayer” in the audition. She is the composer and lyricist of this song. Also, she is grateful to have invited Luke as the piano accompanist this time. Christina shared with us that it's always her greatest wish to share her music with everyone, of course, including those people with hearing impairment. Many people think that the hearing impaired is not able to enjoy music. Yet, she thinks music can be appreciated through our heart, and we can write beautiful song with our heart. Therefore she dedicates this song to the hearing impaired.


The members of the selection panel (Hong Kong Region) include Ms. Grace Yu (Lecturer of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. Music, School of Music), Mr. Matthew Ma (Music Director) and Ms. Catty Choi (Exco Member of ADAHK)


Specoal thanks to:
Mr. Chong Sing Kai for the sponsorship of the delegations to Korea for the Music festival


Lyric: Soundless Prayer

In a clamorous town I pray alone,
wishing Lord could hear my soundless prayer.
Even if I can't speak out a word,
I still wish that you can feel.


In a noisy crowd I dance alone,
wishing you come close and greet me.
But I feel a twinge deep in my heart,
when I saw the crowd drifted away.


Who will be pound of me,

hand in hand pray with me.
Perhaps we can feel each others through signs.
Who will guide me my way, sing along loud with me,
make known the silent world is great. 


Then someday, flowers grow, I can feel the joy.
And I'll find the love that gives me strength go on.
The silent world is still wonderful
when we live and love with our heart.


In a troubled times true heart is rare,
honeyed word and phrase fill all the day.
I would rather stay away from it,
feeling peace when I couldn't hear.


Who will lead me to pray,
hand in hand pray with me.
Perhaps we can feel each others through signs.
Who will be pound of me, sing aloud with me,
make known the silent world is great.