
#All it needs is just a single idea is to evoke a conversation.


"Artlink" is an international art exchange programme. Participants take part in arts activities guided by art facilitators in the Jockey Club Inclusive Arts Studio. Through their artworks, the Project links up participants in Hong Kong and other countries who exchange their culture and customs through the art. In the past nine years, participants from Hong Kong have exchanged with friends from USA, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan and Germany, based on the theme such as festivals, wet market, plants, toys, the elements of art, communities and folk stories.

In 2022-2025, the programme will continue to encourage the participants to learn more about their own cultures, while respecting and appreciating those of others. More online sessions will be delivered to foster closer relationship between local and overseas participants, providing a platforms where they can freely express themselves in arts and share their experience. Part of the artworks will be posted to each other. Photos and paragraphs about the creating process will be posted on Facebook page. Apart from the participants, colleagues and staffs from the overseas organization will take a more active part in the art creation process. Selected artworks will be sent to the participants in another country and exhibited in the annual exhibition of the project in Hong Kong.


Application for Artlink 2023-2024 is closed

All primary, secondary schools and rehabilitation institutions in Hong Kong are welcome to apply for Artlink 2022-2025!


Tel: 2777 8664

Fax: 2777 8669




藝術筆友 2022-23年度 (第二期)【活動花絮】




今期參與藝術交流的上海筆友,他們有一個特別的主題活動「錯襪行動」,藉「錯襪」表達自己的獨特態度和對多元文化的包容與接納。同時間上海的活動,也啓發了香港筆友以「不一樣的......」進行創作 。每人每天的生活各不相同,小至個人喜好,大至社區,都是不一樣的,所以我們將從生活中發掘出各種不一樣的事物,加而轉化,創作成為藝術品與上海筆友分享。















香港展能藝術會 賽馬會共融藝術工房
電話:2777 8664
傳真:2777 8669
地址:香港九龍石硤尾白田街30號賽馬會創意藝術中心L3-04 (辦公時間︰星期一至五-早上10時至晚上7時)